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Securing the Supply Chain


India's logistics industry plays a pivotal role in knitting the fabric of the national economy, facilitating the seamless flow of goods across the country's expanse and bridging the gap between markets from manufacturing to the retail end. This vital sector, characterized by its intricate network and operational complexity, is the lifeline that supports various other industries, ensuring that the wheels of commerce continue to turn smoothly. Yet, navigating through the logistical landscape comes with its share of challenges. The industry is perennially at the mercy of risks such as cargo theft, transportation accidents, and unexpected logistical disruptions. These risks pose a significant threat not just to the operational efficiency but also to the financial health of logistics operations, potentially leading to interrupted supply chains and lost business opportunities.

In light of these challenges, the adoption of comprehensive insurance coverage emerges as a non-negotiable pillar of risk management within the logistics sector. Such coverage is meticulously designed to address the multifaceted nature of logistics operations, offering a safeguard against the financial implications of cargo theft and transportation mishaps, and providing a buffer against liability claims arising from third-party property damage or injuries. 

  • Transportation Risks: Vehicles transporting goods are susceptible to accidents, damage, and theft, posing significant financial risks to logistics operations.

  • Cargo Theft and Damage: Goods in transit face risks of theft, loss, or damage due to various factors, necessitating cargo insurance to cover potential losses.

  • Liability Claims: Logistics companies may face liability claims for damage to third-party property or injuries caused by their operations.

  • Business Interruption: Disruptions in logistics operations can lead to substantial revenue losses, highlighting the need for business interruption insurance.

Critical Role of Insurance in Logistics:

500 Cr.

Annual Cargo Theft/Damage 

Source-Logistics Insurance Reports


Commercial Vehicle Accidents each year

Source-National Highway Traffic Safety Reports


Liability claims each year

Source-Insurance Sector Analysis

Marine Cargo Insurance

Comprehensive protection for goods in transit, covering the financial loss from damage or loss at sea, crucial for logistics operators managing marine shipments.

Cargo Liability

Essential for logistics companies, covering legal liabilities for lost, damaged, or delayed shipments, ensuring peace of mind for both the carrier and their clients.

Cyber Liability

Increasingly vital for logistics firms, protecting against data breaches and cyber-attacks in an industry reliant on digital tracking and communication systems.

Carrier's Legal Liability

Safeguards against claims resulting from the carrier's responsibility for goods during transport, a key coverage for logistics businesses.

Warehouse Insurance

Covers losses due to damage to stored goods, including from fires or natural disasters, ensuring logistics facilities can recover and resume.

Multimodal Transport Operators’ Liability

Provides liability coverage for logistics providers offering multimodal transportation, ensuring protection across different shipping methods and geographies.


Route Shield: Comprehensive Coverage for Logistics

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